John Pirhalla

Bio:  John has narrated over 200 audiobooks. His versatile array of character voices, skill with accents and acting ability are on display in all of his work. He works in all genres, but the bulk of his work is fantasy, sci-fi, thrillers, and horror. John was a finalist in the 2021 Independent Audiobook Awards in three categories; Thriller, Fantasy, and Paranormal. John is fun to work with, very professional, and he always delivers early.

Accent Capabilities: Most major US dialects. British, Irish, German, French, African, Russian, Arabic, Indian.

Preferred Genre(s): Sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and thrillers.

Rates: PFH range $250-$400, R/S plus.  

Audio Sample: Excerpt from The Shape of Fire by D.K. Holmberg RETAIL-Shape Of Fire-EW1_Master.mp3

Excerpt from Within the Dragon's Jaw by D.K. Holmberg Retail-WTDJ-DT2_Master.mp3

Excerpt from The Courier by Ernest Dempsey RETAIL-The Courieir-DAK01.mp3